Tally Prime offers a wide range of features that allow businesses to manage their accounting, inventory, payroll, and taxation needs efficiently. Configuring these features correctly ensures that you maximize the software’s Company Features and Configuration in Tally Prime potential and customize it to suit your business needs. Here’s a guide on how to configure and enable key company features in Tally Prime.
1. Accessing Company Features Configuration
To configure company features in Tally Prime, follow these steps:
From the Gateway of Tally, press F11 (Features) to open the Company Features screen.
You’ll see various sections like Accounting Features, Inventory Features, and Statutory & Taxation Features, which can be customized as per your requirements.
Table of Contents
2. Accounting Features
Accounting features allow you to set up financial transactions and manage ledgers efficiently. Here are some key configurations:
Maintain Accounts Only: If your business deals only with financial transactions and does not require inventory management, enable this option.
Bill-wise Details: Enable this if you need to track receivables and payables bill by bill.
Cost Centres and Cost Categories: This feature helps in tracking expenses and income by department, project, or location.
Interest Calculation: Enable automatic interest calculation for overdue receivables or payables.
Budgets and Controls: You can set up budgets and track actual performance against it.
Steps to Enable Accounting Features:
Go to Gateway of Tally > Press F11 > Select Accounting Features.
Enable or disable features based on your business needs.
Press Enter to save the configuration.
3. Inventory Features
Tally Prime’s inventory features enable you to manage stock, set reorder levels, and track multiple warehouses. You can also create various stock categories, groups, and items.
Maintain Multiple Godowns: If your business operates multiple warehouses or storage locations, enable this feature.
Track Additional Costs of Purchases: Helps in recording costs like freight and customs for accurate profit margin calculation.
Batch-wise and Expiry Date Tracking: For businesses dealing with perishable goods, you can track stock by batch number and set expiry dates.
Manufacturing Journal: If your business involves manufacturing, this feature helps in assembling and disassembling stock items.
Steps to Enable Inventory Features:
Go to Gateway of Tally > Press F11 > Select Inventory Features.
Customize the inventory features according to your stock management needs.
Press Enter to save the configuration.
4. Statutory & Taxation Features
This section is crucial for businesses that need to manage compliance with tax regulations such as GST, VAT, TDS, and others. These features ensure that your company adheres to government norms and allows easy filing of tax returns.
Enable Goods & Services Tax (GST): If your business is registered under GST, enable this feature and set the GST registration details.
TDS (Tax Deducted at Source): Activate this if your business is liable to deduct taxes for certain payments.
TCS (Tax Collected at Source): Enable TCS if your business is required to collect tax at the source.
Service Tax: For service-based businesses, you can enable service tax features.
Steps to Enable Statutory & Taxation Features:
Go to Gateway of Tally > Press F11 > Select Statutory & Taxation.
Configure the required tax settings for your business.
Press Enter to save the changes.
5. Payroll Features
Tally Prime allows you to manage payroll by tracking employee details, salary structure, and attendance. You can generate payslips, manage gratuity, and handle statutory payments like PF and ESI.
Enable Payroll: Turn this feature on if you need to manage employee payments.
Maintain Payroll in Accounting: This links payroll with your accounting entries.
Employee Grouping: Group employees based on departments or locations for better management.
Steps to Enable Payroll Features:
Go to Gateway of Tally > Press F11 > Select Payroll Features.
Customize the payroll settings to meet your requirements.
Press Enter to save the configuration.
6. GST Configuration in Tally Prime
If your business deals with GST, configuring the software to manage GST transactions is essential.
Set Up GST Details: Add the company’s GSTIN and configure tax rates.
GST Classification: Set up different classifications for sales and purchases, including intra-state and inter-state transactions.
Steps to Configure GST:
Go to Gateway of Tally > Press F11 > Select Statutory & Taxation.
Enable GST and provide the GST details like GSTIN and tax rates.
Press Enter to save the changes.
7. Security and Control Features
Tally Prime provides robust security features to protect sensitive company data. You can set up user roles and rights to ensure data privacy and security.
Tally Vault: Encrypts the company data, making it accessible only through a password.
User Roles: Assign specific roles to employees with different levels of access rights.
Audit Features: Enable auditing to track changes made to financial entries.
Steps to Configure Security Features:
Go to Gateway of Tally > Press Alt + F3 > Select Security Control.
Enable the required security settings for your company.
Press Enter to save the configuration.
Configuring the company features in Tally Prime allows you to customize the software according to your business needs. Whether it’s accounting, inventory, payroll, or statutory compliance, Tally Prime’s feature set is flexible enough to cater to different types of businesses. Proper configuration ensures that you get the most out of the software, helping you manage your business more efficiently.
Company Features and Configuration in Tally Prime:
Batting: Known for his aggressive style, powerful hitting, and ability to play long innings. Rohit’s skill in playing both fast and spin bowling makes him a versatile player.
Fielding: Reliable fielder, known for his sharp reflexes and ability to make crucial stops.
Recent Performances (2024):
ODI Series: Continued to perform well with notable innings in recent series and tournaments.
Test Matches: Showcased his leadership skills and consistency in Test matches.
T20 Internationals: Maintained his aggressive approach and contributed significantly in T20 series.
Personal Life:
Family: Married to Ritika Sajdeh in December 2015. They have a daughter, Samaira Sharma, born in December 2018.
Education: Attended Swami Vivekanand International School and later completed his schooling from Our Lady of Vailankanni High School.
Endorsements and Off-Field Activities:
Brand Endorsements: Rohit Sharma endorses several brands and is a prominent figure in the Indian advertising industry.
Philanthropy: Engaged in various charitable activities and supports causes related to education and health.
Recent News:
2024: Rohit Sharma continues to be a key player and captain for the Indian cricket team, with ongoing participation in international matches and domestic tournaments.
Rohit Sharma remains one of the most influential figures in Indian cricket, known for his leadership, batting prowess, and contributions to the game.
Bajaj Housing Finance IPO के बारे में जानकारी देनी होगी। यह ब्लॉग IPO के बारे में सारी महत्वपूर्ण जानकारियां और अलॉटमेंट स्टेटस की जानकारी कवर करेगा। नीचे कुछ बिंदुओं के आधार पर पूरा ब्लॉग तैयार किया जा सकता है:
1. Bajaj Housing Finance IPO का परिचय
क्या है IPO: IPO का मतलब होता है “Initial Public Offering” यानी जब कोई कंपनी पहली बार पब्लिक को अपने शेयर्स ऑफर करती है।
कंपनी का बैकग्राउंड: Bajaj Housing Finance एक प्रमुख हाउसिंग फाइनेंस कंपनी है जो होम लोन, लोन अगेंस्ट प्रॉपर्टी जैसी सेवाएं देती है। इसका मजबूत ग्राहक आधार और वित्तीय स्थिति इसे एक भरोसेमंद कंपनी बनाते हैं।
IPO का उद्देश्य: कंपनी IPO के जरिए फंड जुटाकर अपने बिजनेस का विस्तार करना चाहती है, जैसे कि होम लोन के लिए और ज्यादा पूंजी इकट्ठा करना या नए क्षेत्रों में निवेश करना। Bajaj Housing Finance Ipo Allotment Status
Table of Contents
2. IPO की प्रमुख जानकारी
इश्यू साइज: कितने करोड़ के शेयर्स इस IPO में जनता के लिए उपलब्ध होंगे।
प्राइस बैंड: IPO के लिए शेयर की कीमत कितनी होगी।
शेयरों की संख्या: कुल कितने शेयर जनता को अलॉट किए जाएंगे।
IPO खुलने और बंद होने की तिथियाँ: निवेशक कब से कब तक आवेदन कर सकते हैं।
लिस्टिंग डेट: शेयर मार्केट में कब से कंपनी के शेयर ट्रेडिंग के लिए उपलब्ध होंगे।
3. Bajaj Housing Finance IPO में निवेश के फायदे
कंपनी की वित्तीय स्थिति: मजबूत वित्तीय स्थिति होने की वजह से निवेशकों के लिए कंपनी एक अच्छी संभावित निवेश हो सकती है। Bajaj Housing Finance Ipo Allotment Status
बाजार में कंपनी की स्थिति: हाउसिंग फाइनेंस सेक्टर में कंपनी की अच्छी पकड़ और ग्रोथ संभावनाएं।
अच्छी डिविडेंड पॉलिसी: निवेशकों को नियमित रूप से अच्छा रिटर्न देने की क्षमता। Bajaj Housing Finance Ipo Allotment Status
4. IPO में कैसे आवेदन करें?
डीमैट अकाउंट की जरूरत: निवेशकों को Bajaj Housing Finance IPO में निवेश करने के लिए डीमैट अकाउंट की आवश्यकता होती है।
एप्लिकेशन प्रक्रिया: IPO में आवेदन कैसे करें (ASBA, UPI, बैंक ऐप्स आदि के माध्यम से)।
ऑनलाइन प्लेटफॉर्म्स: Zerodha, Groww, Paytm Money जैसे ऑनलाइन प्लेटफॉर्म्स से IPO में कैसे निवेश किया जा सकता है।
5. IPO अलॉटमेंट स्टेटस चेक करने की प्रक्रिया
IPO अलॉटमेंट क्या होता है: यह प्रक्रिया बताती है कि किसे कितने शेयर अलॉट किए गए हैं।
Bajaj Housing Finance IPO अलॉटमेंट कैसे चेक करें:
रजिस्ट्रार वेबसाइट: कंपनी के IPO का रजिस्ट्रार जैसे कि Link Intime या KFintech की वेबसाइट पर जाकर। Bajaj Housing Finance Ipo Allotment Status
BSE/NSE वेबसाइट: BSE या NSE की वेबसाइट पर जाकर अपना PAN नंबर, एप्लिकेशन नंबर, या डीमैट अकाउंट नंबर डालकर अलॉटमेंट स्टेटस चेक कर सकते हैं।
बैंक ऐप्स: जिन बैंकों से आपने IPO के लिए आवेदन किया है, उनके ऐप्स पर भी अलॉटमेंट चेक करने का ऑप्शन होता है। Bajaj Housing Finance Ipo Allotment Status
6. IPO अलॉटमेंट से संबंधित सामान्य समस्याएं
अलॉटमेंट नहीं मिलने के कारण: ओवरसब्सक्रिप्शन होने की स्थिति में सभी निवेशकों को शेयर नहीं मिलते।
अलॉटमेंट के बाद भुगतान और रिफंड की प्रक्रिया: जिन निवेशकों को अलॉटमेंट नहीं मिलता, उनके पैसे वापस कर दिए जाते हैं।
7. Bajaj Housing Finance IPO से जुड़ी संभावनाएं और जोखिम
रिटर्न की संभावनाएं: Bajaj Housing Finance की बैलेंस शीट और आने वाले प्रोजेक्ट्स के आधार पर निवेशकों के लिए अच्छा रिटर्न मिल सकता है। Bajaj Housing Finance Ipo Allotment Status
जोखिम: वित्तीय बाजार के उतार-चढ़ाव, सेक्टर-विशिष्ट चुनौतियां, और बाहरी आर्थिक कारक निवेशकों के लिए जोखिम का कारण बन सकते हैं। Bajaj Housing Finance Ipo Allotment Status
8. SEO के लिए महत्वपूर्ण कीवर्ड्स
Bajaj Housing Finance IPO allotment status
Bajaj Housing Finance IPO date
How to check Bajaj Housing Finance IPO allotment
Bajaj Housing Finance IPO price
Bajaj Housing Finance IPO listing date
Bajaj Housing Finance IPO subscription details
Bajaj Housing Finance IPO grey market premium
Bajaj Housing Finance Ipo Allotment Status
9. FAQ – अक्सर पूछे जाने वाले सवाल
Bajaj Housing Finance IPO का प्राइस बैंड क्या है?
IPO में आवेदन करने की आखिरी तारीख क्या है?
अलॉटमेंट स्टेटस कब और कैसे चेक कर सकते हैं?
क्या IPO में निवेश करना सुरक्षित है?
Bajaj Housing Finance IPO का ग्रे मार्केट प्रीमियम कितना है?
10. निष्कर्ष
Bajaj Housing Finance IPO में निवेश करना एक अच्छा अवसर हो सकता है, खासकर अगर कंपनी का बैलेंस शीट और भविष्य की ग्रोथ पर नज़र डालें। निवेशकों को IPO की पूरी जानकारी रखते हुए इसमें निवेश करना चाहिए, और अलॉटमेंट स्टेटस चेक करने के लिए बताए गए स्टेप्स का पालन करना होगा। IPO से संबंधित किसी भी शंका के लिए कंपनी के रजिस्ट्रार से संपर्क किया जा सकता है।
Bajaj Housing Finance IPO पर विस्तृत जानकारी देने के बाद, अब हम आगे की कुछ महत्वपूर्ण बातों पर ध्यान देंगे ताकि यह ब्लॉग SEO के लिहाज से और अधिक प्रभावी हो सके। ब्लॉग की अगली कुछ श्रेणियाँ निवेशकों की जानकारी को और गहरा करने और SEO के लिए उपयोगी साबित होंगी।
11. Bajaj Housing Finance IPO की Over-Subscription
ओवर-सब्सक्रिप्शन का मतलब: जब किसी IPO में डिमांड उपलब्ध शेयरों से ज्यादा हो जाती है, तो इसे ओवर-सब्सक्रिप्शन कहते हैं।
IPO ओवर-सब्सक्राइब होने पर क्या करें: निवेशकों को शेयर अलॉट होने की संभावना कम हो जाती है, लेकिन भाग्यशाली निवेशकों को कुछ शेयर जरूर मिल सकते हैं।
आम तौर पर Bajaj Housing Finance IPO की ओवर-सब्सक्रिप्शन स्थिति: बाजाज हाउसिंग फाइनेंस जैसे प्रतिष्ठित नाम के IPO में आमतौर पर ओवर-सब्सक्रिप्शन होने की उम्मीद होती है, खासकर यदि सेक्टर का प्रदर्शन मजबूत हो।
12. Grey Market Premium (GMP) और Bajaj Housing Finance IPO
ग्रे मार्केट प्रीमियम क्या है: यह एक अनौपचारिक बाजार होता है जहाँ IPO की सूचीबद्धता से पहले शेयरों की खरीद-बिक्री होती है। इसमें शेयर की कीमत को देखकर निवेशक अनुमान लगा सकते हैं कि IPO लिस्टिंग के दिन कैसा प्रदर्शन करेगा।
Bajaj Housing Finance IPO का GMP: निवेशकों को ग्रे मार्केट प्रीमियम पर नज़र रखनी चाहिए क्योंकि यह बता सकता है कि लिस्टिंग पर कितनी प्रीमियम वैल्यू मिलेगी।
GMP के आधार पर निर्णय: हालांकि GMP एक सटीक संकेतक नहीं होता, लेकिन इससे अंदाजा लगाया जा सकता है कि निवेशक कितनी रुचि दिखा रहे हैं और IPO कैसा प्रदर्शन कर सकता है।
13. Bajaj Housing Finance IPO का लिस्टिंग डे प्रदर्शन
लिस्टिंग के दिन का महत्व: IPO के लिस्टिंग डे पर शेयर की कीमत में उछाल या गिरावट हो सकती है। यह निवेशकों के लिए मुनाफा कमाने या लॉन्ग-टर्म निवेश के लिए एक महत्वपूर्ण दिन होता है।
Bajaj Housing Finance IPO लिस्टिंग की भविष्यवाणी: कई बार, बड़ी कंपनियों के IPO में लिस्टिंग के दिन शेयर की कीमत में बड़ा उछाल देखने को मिलता है। इससे छोटे निवेशक त्वरित मुनाफा कमा सकते हैं।
लिस्टिंग के दिन के लिए रणनीतियाँ: निवेशकों को इस दिन के लिए सही रणनीति बनानी चाहिए। जिन निवेशकों को अलॉटमेंट नहीं मिलता, वे लिस्टिंग के दिन शेयर खरीदने की सोच सकते हैं। Bajaj Housing Finance Ipo Allotment Status
14. Bajaj Housing Finance की भविष्य की योजनाएँ और निवेशकों के लिए अवसर
कंपनी की विस्तार योजनाएँ: IPO से जुटाई गई राशि का इस्तेमाल कंपनी किन योजनाओं में करेगी, यह जानना महत्वपूर्ण है। क्या वे नए क्षेत्रों में विस्तार करेंगे, या तकनीक में सुधार करेंगे?
निवेशकों के लिए दीर्घकालिक लाभ: जिन निवेशकों ने लंबे समय के लिए कंपनी में निवेश किया है, उन्हें कंपनी की भविष्य की योजनाओं और वित्तीय प्रदर्शन पर नज़र रखनी होगी। Bajaj Housing Finance Ipo Allotment Status
IPO के बाद कंपनी का प्रदर्शन: IPO के बाद कंपनी के शेयरों का प्रदर्शन कैसा रहता है, यह कई कारकों पर निर्भर करता है, जैसे कि सेक्टर की स्थिति, कंपनी की आंतरिक रणनीतियाँ, और आर्थिक माहौल।
15. Bajaj Housing Finance IPO के पिछले रुझान और आंकड़े
पिछले IPO का प्रदर्शन: यदि कंपनी या उसकी सहयोगी कंपनियों ने पहले IPO निकाला है, तो उन IPO का प्रदर्शन कैसा रहा, यह भी एक महत्वपूर्ण फैक्टर है। Bajaj Housing Finance Ipo Allotment Status
अंतरराष्ट्रीय बाजार में प्रभाव: ग्लोबल इकोनॉमी और रियल एस्टेट मार्केट में बदलाव का कंपनी के शेयर पर क्या प्रभाव पड़ सकता है, यह भी समझना जरूरी है। Bajaj Housing Finance Ipo Allotment Status
16. IPO के Tax Implications (कर संबंधी पहलू)
IPO से कमाई पर टैक्स: यदि किसी निवेशक को लिस्टिंग डे पर फायदा होता है, तो उसे उस मुनाफे पर टैक्स देना होता है।
Short-term और Long-term Capital Gains: IPO से मुनाफे पर किस तरह का टैक्स लगेगा, यह इस बात पर निर्भर करता है कि निवेशक कितने समय तक शेयर रखता है।
शॉर्ट-टर्म कैपिटल गेन: यदि निवेशक एक साल से कम समय के लिए शेयर रखता है।
लॉन्ग-टर्म कैपिटल गेन: यदि निवेशक एक साल से अधिक समय तक शेयर रखता है।
17. Bajaj Housing Finance IPO में खुदरा और संस्थागत निवेशकों के लिए अलग-अलग अवसर
रिटेल निवेशक बनाम संस्थागत निवेशक: IPO में रिटेल और संस्थागत निवेशकों के लिए अलग-अलग कोटे होते हैं। इससे निवेशकों को अलग-अलग मौके मिलते हैं।
Bajaj Housing Finance IPO में रिटेल निवेशकों की भूमिका: रिटेल निवेशकों को अलॉटमेंट के लिए एक निश्चित कोटा मिलता है। उन्हें समय पर आवेदन करके इसका लाभ उठाना चाहिए।
18. SEO के लिए अतिरिक्त टिप्स
कीवर्ड ऑप्टिमाइजेशन: ब्लॉग में कीवर्ड को सही स्थानों पर प्लेस करें जैसे कि हेडिंग्स, सबहेडिंग्स, पैराग्राफ्स और बुलेट पॉइंट्स में।
Long-tail कीवर्ड्स का इस्तेमाल: जैसे “Bajaj Housing Finance IPO Allotment Status कैसे चेक करें,” “Bajaj Housing Finance IPO कब लिस्ट होगा,” इत्यादि।
इमेज ऑप्टिमाइजेशन: ब्लॉग में इन्फोग्राफिक्स या शेड्यूल्स शामिल करें, और इमेज के Alt टैग्स में कीवर्ड्स डालें।
आंतरिक और बाहरी लिंकिंग: ब्लॉग में अन्य संबंधित पोस्ट या आधिकारिक वेबसाइट्स के लिंक जोड़ें। इससे SEO स्कोर बढ़ता है।
Meta Description: Meta Description में मुख्य कीवर्ड्स डालकर इसे आकर्षक बनाएं ताकि यूजर ब्लॉग पर क्लिक करने के लिए प्रेरित हो।
19. Bajaj Housing Finance IPO के लिए आगे की संभावनाएँ
बाजार में प्रतिस्पर्धा: अन्य हाउसिंग फाइनेंस कंपनियों के IPO का प्रदर्शन और Bajaj Housing Finance की उनसे तुलना। Bajaj Housing Finance Ipo Allotment Status
वित्तीय वर्ष 2024-2025 के लिए उम्मीदें: आर्थिक माहौल और सेक्टर की स्थिति के आधार पर कंपनी का प्रदर्शन कैसा रह सकता है।
निवेशकों के लिए सुझाव: क्या यह IPO शॉर्ट-टर्म या लॉन्ग-टर्म निवेश के लिए सही रहेगा, इस पर एक निष्पक्ष राय। Bajaj Housing Finance Ipo Allotment Status
20. निष्कर्ष
Bajaj Housing Finance IPO एक मजबूत कंपनी से जुड़ा हुआ है और हाउसिंग फाइनेंस सेक्टर में कंपनी की पकड़ को देखते हुए निवेशकों के लिए एक बड़ा अवसर हो सकता है। निवेशकों को सही जानकारी और विश्लेषण के साथ इस IPO में निवेश करना चाहिए। अलॉटमेंट स्टेटस चेक करने से लेकर लिस्टिंग डे पर सही रणनीति अपनाना महत्वपूर्ण है। इस ब्लॉग के माध्यम से, निवेशक Bajaj Housing Finance IPO के सभी महत्वपूर्ण पहलुओं के बारे में जानकारी प्राप्त कर सकते हैं और सही समय पर सही निर्णय ले सकते हैं।
यह ब्लॉग SEO के लिए प्रभावी होगा, क्योंकि इसमें कीवर्ड ऑप्टिमाइजेशन, सही फॉर्मेटिंग, और उपयोगकर्ता के सवालों का समाधान करने वाले टॉपिक्स शामिल किए गए हैं। Bajaj Housing Finance Ipo Allotment Status
The Arkade Developers IPO is a highly anticipated public offering in the Indian real estate sector.Arkade Developers IPO Allotment Status Here’s a comprehensive breakdown covering the company’s background, IPO details, allotment status, and investment outlook:
Company Overview: Arkade Developers
Arkade Developers is a Mumbai-based real estate company with a strong presence in residential and commercial developments. Known for delivering projects that balance quality construction with modern design, the company has successfully completed several prestigious projects in the financial capital of India.
Key Projects and Offerings:
Residential: Arkade Developers has a rich portfolio of high-end and affordable housing options. Their projects are typically located in key suburban areas, offering amenities that cater to modern urban lifestyles.
Commercial: The company has ventured into commercial real estate with projects focused on office spaces and business hubs in prime locations.
Arkade Developers aims to leverage the IPO to fund ongoing and upcoming projects, expand its land bank, and reduce debt. This will further strengthen its position in the competitive Mumbai real estate market.
IPO Details:
The Arkade Developers IPO opened for subscription on September 16, 2024, and closed on September 19, 2024. The company aims to raise a significant amount to support various financial objectives, including growth and expansion. Key information about the IPO includes:
Issue Size: The total issue size for the Arkade Developers IPO is yet to be confirmed.
Price Band: The price band for the IPO is expected to range between ₹300 to ₹350 per share.
Lot Size: Investors can subscribe to the IPO in lots, with a minimum bid size of 40 shares per lot. The maximum number of shares an individual investor can apply for is based on regulatory guidelines.
Listing: Post-allotment, the company will be listed on both the BSE (Bombay Stock Exchange) and NSE (National Stock Exchange).
Lead Managers: Major financial institutions are acting as lead managers for this IPO, ensuring a smooth and transparent process.
Subscription Status:
The subscription window saw significant interest from retail investors, high-net-worth individuals (HNIs), and institutional buyers. The IPO was subscribed multiple times over, with particular enthusiasm from retail investors.
Retail Investor Portion: Oversubscribed within hours of opening, reflecting strong confidence in the brand and its future growth prospects.
Qualified Institutional Buyers (QIB): Institutions showed keen interest due to the company’s well-established track record.
High Net-Worth Individuals (HNI): Substantial interest was observed, with many expecting long-term gains.
Arkade Developers IPO Allotment Status:
The allotment status for the Arkade Developers IPO will be made available on September 20, 2024. Investors can check their allotment status via various platforms:
Steps to Check Allotment Status:
Link Intime Website:
Visit the official registrar’s website (Link Intime).
Select “Arkade Developers IPO” from the list of IPOs.
Input your PAN Number, Application Number, or DP Client ID.
Click “Submit” to view your allotment status.
Arkade Developers IPO Allotment Status
BSE/NSE Website:
You can also check the allotment status on the BSE or NSE website.
Go to the IPO allotment section and select “Arkade Developers.”
Enter your application details and check the result.
Through Your Broker:
If you applied via a stockbroker, you can check the allotment status on their platform.
Upon securing an allotment, the equivalent shares will be credited to your Demat account. Investors will also receive a notification via SMS or email confirming the allotment. Arkade Developers IPO Allotment Status
Grey Market Premium (GMP):
The Grey Market Premium (GMP) for Arkade Developers has been fluctuating since the IPO’s announcement. As of now, the GMP indicates a significant premium, which suggests a strong debut for the stock on the exchanges. GMP serves as a sentiment indicator, reflecting demand and the expected listing price of the IPO. Many experts predict that investors may see substantial returns on the listing day. Arkade Developers IPO Allotment Status
Investment Outlook:
Real Estate Market Growth: Arkade Developers is strategically positioned to benefit from the booming real estate market in Mumbai, particularly as demand for both residential and commercial properties rises post-pandemic. Arkade Developers IPO Allotment Status
IPO Performance: Given the company’s robust portfolio, strong subscription demand, and positive GMP trends, Arkade Developers is expected to perform well on listing day. Early investors could see gains, especially if the market remains favorable.
Long-Term Prospects: For long-term investors, Arkade Developers offers an opportunity to benefit from the expanding urban infrastructure and housing demand in Mumbai. With the funds raised through the IPO, the company is expected to accelerate its growth trajectory, enabling it to expand further into new markets and strengthen its portfolio.
Financial Details:
As part of the IPO disclosure, Arkade Developers released its financials to the public. Over the past few years, the company has shown consistent growth in revenue and profits, indicating strong business fundamentals.
Revenue Growth: Arkade Developers has seen steady revenue growth, driven by new project launches and the sale of existing inventory.
Profit Margins: The company maintains healthy profit margins, supported by efficient project management and cost control measures.
Debt Levels: A portion of the IPO proceeds will be used to reduce debt, improving the company’s financial health and freeing up resources for expansion.
Risk Factors:
While the Arkade Developers IPO appears promising, investors should consider potential risks: Arkade Developers IPO Allotment Status
Market Volatility: As with any stock market investment, there’s the risk of price fluctuations due to market volatility.
Real Estate Sector Challenges: The real estate sector faces regulatory challenges and fluctuating demand, particularly in a high-cost market like Mumbai.
Execution Risks: Any delays in project execution or approvals could impact the company’s revenue and profitability. Arkade Developers IPO Allotment Status
The Arkade Developers IPO offers a compelling opportunity for investors, especially those with an interest in the real estate sector. With a proven track record, strong financials, and a solid pipeline of projects, the company is well-positioned for growth. The IPO has garnered significant interest across investor categories, and the listing is expected to provide substantial returns, particularly for those who secured allotments.Arkade Developers IPO Allotment Status
Investors are encouraged to review the company’s financials and consult with financial advisors before making an investment decision. Those who are allotted shares in the IPO can expect to see the listing occur shortly after the allotment on September 20, 2024【168†source】【169†source】. Arkade Developers IPO Allotment Status
Tally Prime is an advanced accounting software developed by Tally Solutions Pvt. Ltd., renowned for its comprehensive capabilities in financial management, including accounting, inventory management, payroll, and compliance with GST regulations. It is designed to cater to businesses of all sizes, offering a seamless and user-friendly interface.Tally Prime Full Course Notes
1.1 Key Features
User-Friendly Interface: Simplified navigation with customizable dashboards.
Multi-Company Management: Handle multiple companies with ease.
Real-Time Data Access: Instant access to updated financial data.
Select Download Option: Choose the “Download” or “Try Free” button.
Choose Version: Select the appropriate version based on your operating system (Windows or Mac).
Download: Follow prompts to complete the download.
2.2 Installation Process
Run the Installer: Double-click the downloaded file to start the installation.
Follow Instructions: Complete the setup by following the on-screen instructions.
Activate License: After installation, activate the trial or purchased license as per your requirement.
3. Tally Prime Interface
The interface of Tally Prime is designed to be intuitive, making it easy for users to navigate through its various features.
3.1 Home Screen
Gateway of Tally: Central hub to access different modules.
Company Management: Options to create, select, and manage companies.
Shortcut Keys: Access various features quickly using shortcut keys.
3.2 Key Modules
Accounting Vouchers: For entering various financial transactions.
Inventory Vouchers: Manage stock and inventory entries.
Payroll Management: Handle employee salaries and related computations.
4. Company Creation and Configuration
Creating a company in Tally Prime is the first step in setting up the software for business operations.
4.1 Creating a New Company
Select ‘Create Company’: From the Gateway of Tally.
Enter Details: Provide details such as company name, address, and contact information.
Financial Year: Set the financial year and base currency.
Save: Finalize the creation process by saving the details.
Tally Prime Full Course Notes
4.2 Configuring Company Settings
Go to ‘Features’: Enable or disable features as needed (e.g., GST, Inventory).
Accounting Settings: Configure settings related to financial transactions and reporting.
Inventory Settings: Set up stock management features like units of measure and stock groups. Tally Prime Full Course Notes
5. Managing Transactions
Handling transactions is a core functionality of Tally Prime, involving both accounting and inventory entries.
5.1 Accounting Transactions
Purchase Entries: Record purchases through the ‘Purchase’ voucher.
Sales Entries: Record sales using the ‘Sales’ voucher.
Banking Transactions: Manage bank receipts and payments.
5.2 Inventory Transactions
Stock Movement: Record stock transfers and adjustments.
Purchase and Sales: Handle inventory-specific purchases and sales.
Batch Tracking: Manage batches and expiry dates for inventory items.
Tally Prime Full Course Notes
6. GST Compliance
Tally Prime offers comprehensive GST compliance features to streamline tax calculations and filings.
6.1 GST Configuration
Enable GST: Go to the ‘Features’ section and enable GST.
Set GST Rates: Define GST rates for various products and services.
HSN/SAC Codes: Enter the appropriate HSN/SAC codes for items.
6.2 Generating GST Reports
GST Summary Report: View summary of GST transactions.
GST Returns: Generate GST returns like GSTR-1, GSTR-3B, etc.
Reconciliation: Reconcile GST entries with bank statements and supplier records.
7. Payroll Management
Tally Prime’s payroll module helps in managing employee salaries and statutory deductions.
7.1 Employee Setup
Create Employee Records: Enter details such as name, address, and salary structure.
Define Salary Components: Set up salary components like basic pay, allowances, and deductions. Tally Prime Full Course Notes
7.2 Processing Payroll
Generate Payslips: Automatically generate payslips for employees.
Handle Deductions: Manage statutory deductions like EPF, ESI, and income tax.
Pay Salary: Process salary payments and record them in the system.
8. Reporting and Analysis
Tally Prime offers a variety of reports to help analyze financial data and make informed decisions. Tally Prime Full Course Notes
8.1 Financial Reports
Profit and Loss Statement: View and analyze profit and loss for a specified period.
Balance Sheet: Review the company’s financial position at a specific date.
Cash Flow Statement: Analyze cash inflows and outflows. Tally Prime Full Course Notes
8.2 Custom Reports
Customizable Reports: Create and customize reports according to specific requirements. Tally Prime Full Course Notes
Export Options: Export reports to formats like PDF, Excel, or print directly.
9. Backup and Security
Ensuring the security and backup of your data is crucial in Tally Prime.
9.1 Data Backup
Backup Options: Use the backup feature to create copies of your data.
Schedule Backups: Set up automated backups to avoid data loss.
9.2 Security Features
User Access Control: Define user roles and permissions to restrict access.
Audit Trail: Track changes and modifications made to data for auditing purposes.
10. Troubleshooting and Support
In case of issues, Tally Prime offers various support options.
Tally Prime Full Course Notes
10.1 Common Issues
Installation Problems: Refer to the installation guide or contact support.
Data Issues: Resolve data discrepancies using Tally’s troubleshooting tools.
10.2 Support Resources
Help Documentation: Access in-software help documentation for guidance.
Customer Support: Contact Tally’s support team for assistance.
Online Forums: Participate in community forums for user tips and solutions.
11. Advanced Features and Customization
Tally Prime also supports advanced features and customizations for specialized needs.
11.1 Customization Options
Custom Vouchers: Create and modify voucher types as per business needs.
Reports Customization: Customize reports to include additional data or change formats.
11.2 Integration
Third-Party Integration: Integrate with other software for extended functionality.
API Usage: Utilize APIs for custom development and integration.
Table of Contents
This comprehensive guide provides an in-depth look into Tally Prime, covering installation, features, and advanced functionalities. Each section is designed to equip users with the knowledge required to effectively utilize Tally Prime for their business needs.
A computer is an electronic device that manipulates information, or data. It has the ability to store, retrieve, and process data. Today, computers are integral to various aspects of life, impacting fields such as communication, education, healthcare, and even human rights. This essay explores what a computer is, its basic components, and its significance in the context of human rights. Computer Kya Hai |What is a Computer?
Table of Contents
Components of a Computer
Hardware: The physical parts of a computer, including:
Central Processing Unit (CPU): Often referred to as the brain of the computer, it performs calculations and executes instructions.
Memory (RAM): Short-term storage that holds data and instructions for the CPU.
Storage: Long-term storage for data, such as hard drives and SSDs.
Input Devices: Tools used to input data into a computer, such as keyboards and mice.
Output Devices: Devices that output data from a computer, like monitors and printers.
Software: Programs and operating systems that run on hardware. Software includes:
Operating Systems (OS): Software that manages hardware and software resources, e.g., Windows, macOS, Linux.
Applications: Programs designed to perform specific tasks, like word processors and web browsers.
Functions of a Computer
Data Processing: Converting raw data into meaningful information.
Storage: Saving data for future use.
Communication: Exchanging data with other devices or users.
Control: Managing various devices and processes.
Computers and Human Rights
Computers play a crucial role in advancing and protecting human rights. Here’s how:
1. Access to Information
The right to access information is a fundamental human right recognized by international bodies such as the United Nations. Computers facilitate this right by:
Internet Access: Providing a platform to access vast amounts of information.
Educational Tools: Offering resources for learning and research.
Media and Communication: Enabling access to news, social media, and other forms of communication.
2. Freedom of Expression
Freedom of expression is another essential human right. Computers enable this through:
Social Media: Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram allow people to share their opinions and ideas.
Blogs and Websites: Personal blogs and websites provide spaces for individual expression.
Digital Art and Media: Computers are tools for creating and sharing digital art, music, and videos.
3. Privacy and Security
The right to privacy is crucial in the digital age. Computers contribute to this right by:
Encryption: Protecting data through encryption technologies.
Secure Communication: Enabling secure communication channels.
Data Protection: Implementing data protection measures to safeguard personal information.
4. Education
Education is a fundamental human right. Computers enhance education by:
E-Learning Platforms: Offering online courses and educational resources.
Research Tools: Providing access to academic journals and research papers.
Interactive Learning: Facilitating interactive and personalized learning experiences.
5. Healthcare
Access to healthcare is a vital human right. Computers improve healthcare services by:
Medical Records: Digitizing medical records for better management and accessibility.
Telemedicine: Enabling remote consultations and treatments.
Research and Development: Assisting in medical research and the development of new treatments.
6. Economic Opportunities
The right to work and economic opportunities is supported by computers through:
Job Portals: Providing platforms for job searching and applications.
Remote Work: Enabling remote and freelance work opportunities.
Entrepreneurship: Supporting small businesses and startups with various tools and platforms.
Challenges and Considerations
While computers provide numerous benefits for human rights, they also pose challenges:
1. Digital Divide
The digital divide refers to the gap between those who have access to computers and the internet and those who do not. Bridging this divide is essential to ensure equitable access to information and opportunities.
2. Cybersecurity Threats
Cybersecurity threats can compromise privacy and security. It is crucial to implement robust security measures to protect data and systems.
3. Digital Literacy
Digital literacy is the ability to use computers and the internet effectively. Promoting digital literacy is vital for individuals to fully benefit from digital technologies.
4. Ethical Considerations
The ethical use of computers involves ensuring that technology is used responsibly and does not infringe on human rights. This includes addressing issues such as surveillance, data misuse, and online harassment.
Computers are powerful tools that have transformed various aspects of life, including the advancement and protection of human rights. They enable access to information, freedom of expression, privacy, education, healthcare, and economic opportunities. However, it is essential to address challenges such as the digital divide, cybersecurity threats, digital literacy, and ethical considerations to fully harness the potential of computers in promoting human rights. As technology continues to evolve, it is crucial to ensure that its benefits are accessible to all and that it is used in ways that uphold and protect fundamental human rights. Computer Kya Hai |What is a Computer?Computer Kya Hai |What is a Computer?Computer Kya Hai |What is a Computer?Computer Kya Hai |What is a Computer? Computer Kya Hai |What is a Computer?Computer Kya Hai |What is a Computer?Computer Kya Hai |What is a Computer?Computer Kya Hai |What is a Computer?
Csir Net Result The UGC NET June 2024 provisional answer key for the exams conducted between August 27 and September 5, 2024, has been released by the National Testing Agency (NTA). Here’s the detailed breakdown:
Log in using your application number and date of birth.
Download the answer key and cross-check your answers.
Objections and Fee:
Candidates can challenge the provisional answer key if they find any discrepancies.
The challenge must be submitted through the NTA’s official website by September 13, 2024.
A non-refundable fee of ₹200 per question will be charged.
If any challenge is found valid, the answer key will be revised, and the final result will be based on the updated answer key.
Key Dates:
Answer key challenge period: Until September 13, 2024, up to 11:50 p.m..
Final results will be prepared and declared after the challenges are reviewed by a panel of subject experts.Csir Net Result
Steps to Challenge the Answer Key:
Visit the official site.
Log in with your credentials.
Select the questions you want to challenge.
Submit the processing fee via Credit Card/Debit Card/Net Banking/UPI.
Csir Net Result
For more detailed information and regular updates, candidates should check the official website ugcnet.nta.ac.in【23†source】【24†source】.
Table of Contents
If you are looking for additional information regarding the UGC NET June 2024 Answer Key, here’s a quick summary:
Provisional Answer Key Release: The National Testing Agency (NTA) has released the provisional answer keys for UGC NET June 2024, covering exams held from August 27 to September 5, 2024.
Challenging the Answer Key:
If candidates are unsatisfied with the answers provided in the provisional key, they can challenge them online. Csir Net Result
Fee: ₹200 per question, non-refundable, via online payment methods like Credit Card, Debit Card, Net Banking, or UPI. Csir Net Result
Deadline: Challenges must be submitted by September 13, 2024, before 11:50 PM.
Final Answer Key:
After reviewing challenges, NTA will release a final answer key. The result will be based on this final key, and no further communication on challenges will be entertained.
Jeethu Joseph’s comedy-drama ‘Nunakkuzhi’ has achieved a significant milestone by crossing the Rs 23 crore mark worldwide since its release on August 15, 2024. The film has earned Rs 11.8 crore domestically and Rs 9.75 crore overseas, featuring Basil Joseph and Grace Antony in lead roles. Praised for its engaging humor and performances, ‘Nunakkuzhi’ is set to release on OTT platforms on September 13
Jeethu Joseph’s latest directorial venture, ‘Nunakkuzhi’, has achieved a significant milestone at the box office, crossing the Rs 23 crore mark worldwide. The comedy film, which premiered on August 15, 2024, continues to attract audiences with its engaging humor and impressive performances. According to the Sacnilk website, as of Day 28, ‘Nunakkuzhi’ has accumulated a global box office collection of Rs 23.47 crore, with domestic net earnings amounting to Rs 11.8 crore
The film’s overseas revenue stands at Rs 9.75 crore, while its India Gross collection totals Rs 13.72 crore. On its 28th day, the movie garnered an additional Rs 2 lakhs from the Kerala box office.
Nunakkuzhi is a Malayalam film released on August 15, 2024, directed by Jeethu Joseph and featuring Basil Joseph in a central role. The movie is a comedy-drama that weaves together multiple interconnected stories, highlighting the lives of various characters. Basil Joseph’s portrayal of his character Aby, along with the performances of the other cast members, has garnered positive reviews.
The film has done quite well at the box office, crossing the ₹23 crore mark within 28 days. It started with an opening day collection of ₹75 lakhs, showing steady growth due to positive word-of-mouth. The movie has been praised for its light-hearted, entertaining nature and its blend of humor and drama, making it popular among families.
The film also includes strong performances from supporting cast members like Grace Antony, who has been compared to some of the iconic actors in the Malayalam film industry for her portrayal of an eccentric character. Nunakkuzhi has been particularly lauded for its ability to balance multiple narratives while delivering an engaging and entertaining story.
For further details on box office figures and reviews, it would be ideal to check entertainment websites such as Sacnilk or Box Office India.
In Tally Prime, creating budgets allows businesses to plan and monitor financial performance by setting predefined limits for income and expenditure.Creating Budgets in Tally Prime This helps organizations manage costs, avoid overspending, and ensure they are staying within their planned financial goals.
Table of Contents
What is a Budget in Tally Prime?
A Budget in Tally Prime is a financial plan that allows organizations to set limits on expenses and forecast income for specific periods. Budgets are assigned to cost centers, groups, or ledgers and help in comparing actual performance with budgeted figures.
For example, a company can set up a budget for different departments like Marketing, Sales, and R&D, or for individual projects.
Key Features of Budgets in Tally Prime
Expense Control: Budgets provide a mechanism to control expenses and ensure that actual spending does not exceed planned figures.
Income Forecasting: Businesses can plan and track projected income for specific periods and compare it with actual earnings.
Variance Analysis: Tally Prime allows businesses to analyze variances between actual figures and budgeted amounts to make informed decisions.
Multiple Budgets: Businesses can create different budgets for various cost centers, projects, or ledger accounts.
Period-Specific Budgets: Budgets can be created for specific periods, such as monthly, quarterly, or yearly.
Customizable Reporting: Generate detailed reports to compare actual figures with budgeted amounts, offering insights into financial performance.
Steps to Enable Budgets in Tally Prime
Before you can create budgets in Tally Prime, you need to enable the budget feature.
Enable Budgets:
Go to Gateway of Tally → F11: Features → Accounting Features.
Set Maintain Budgets and Controls to Yes.
Press Enter to save the changes.
Steps to Create a Budget in Tally Prime
Once the feature is enabled, you can proceed to create and manage budgets.
Step-by-Step Process:
Go to Budgets Creation:
Navigate to Gateway of Tally → Accounts Info → Budgets → Create.
Enter Budget Name:
Provide a name for the budget, such as Annual Marketing Budget 2024 or Project A Budget.
Set Period:
Specify the period for which the budget is applicable, such as the financial year or a custom date range.
Define under Cost Center or Group:
Choose whether the budget applies to the Primary Group or a specific Cost Center. For instance, you may create a budget for the Marketing Department or for Sales Ledger.
Set Budget Limits:
Assign limits to groups, ledgers, or cost centers based on your planning. Enter the budgeted figures for income and expenses.
Save the Budget:
Once you’ve assigned the amounts to the appropriate groups or cost centers, press Enter to save the budget.
Example: Creating a Department-Wise Budget
Let’s consider an example where a business wants to create a budget for the Marketing Department for the financial year 2024.
Name: Marketing Department Budget 2024
Period: April 1, 2024 – March 31, 2025
Cost Center: Marketing Department
Expense Limit: ₹10,00,000 (for the whole year)
In this scenario, the company is setting a ₹10,00,000 expense limit for marketing activities over the year. Any spending over this amount will be flagged, allowing the company to control marketing costs effectively.
Types of Budgets in Tally Prime
Tally Prime allows you to create three different types of budgets based on your requirements:
Primary Budget: The default type of budget that covers the entire organization or company.
Cost Center Budgets: A budget for specific cost centers such as departments, projects, or divisions.
Group/Ledger Budgets: Budgets for specific groups or ledgers, allowing granular control over income or expense accounts.
How to Track Actuals vs. Budget in Tally Prime
Once a budget has been created, Tally Prime allows you to track how closely actual spending and earnings align with the budgeted amounts.
Steps to View Budget Reports:
Go to Gateway of Tally → Display → Statement of Accounts → Budgets & Variance.
Select Group-wise or Ledger-wise depending on how the budget is set.
View the Variance Report to see the comparison between Actuals and Budgeted Amounts.
The variance report helps businesses monitor financial performance and adjust their spending strategies based on actual versus planned figures.
Example of Budget Variance Report
Let’s say the Marketing Department was assigned a budget of ₹10,00,000 for the year. Halfway through the year, the department has spent ₹6,00,000. The Budget Variance Report will show that ₹6,00,000 was spent, and ₹4,00,000 remains for the rest of the year.
This allows decision-makers to review whether the remaining budget is sufficient for the rest of the year or if adjustments need to be made.
Benefits of Using Budgets in Tally Prime
Better Financial Control: Budgets allow businesses to set limits and track their financial performance, ensuring better control over expenses and income.
Proactive Decision-Making: With variance reports, decision-makers can proactively adjust their strategies based on actual spending patterns.
Efficient Resource Allocation: By creating budgets for specific projects, departments, or cost centers, businesses can ensure resources are allocated efficiently.
Cost Control: Budgets help in preventing overspending and provide a framework for monitoring and controlling costs.
Forecasting: Budgets enable businesses to project future income and expenses, allowing for better financial planning.
Accountability: Budgeting creates accountability within departments or projects, as everyone works towards meeting predefined financial goals.
Example Use Case: Creating a Project Budget
Suppose a construction company is working onProject A and needs to track the budget for labor and materials separately.
Project A Budget: The total budget for Project A is ₹50,00,000.
Material Costs: ₹30,00,000 budgeted for materials.
Labor Costs: ₹20,00,000 budgeted for labor.
By creating a budget for Project A and allocating funds to specific cost heads, the company can ensure that they stay within the limits and monitor any variance throughout the project.
Creating budgets in Tally Prime is an essential feature that helps businesses plan and control their financial activities. By setting predefined limits for income and expenditure, organizations can ensure efficient resource allocation, cost control, and better decision-making. With features like variance analysis and detailed reporting, Tally Prime helps businesses track actual performance against budgeted figures, offering valuable insights into their financial health.
Fundamental of Accounting and Tally Prime Notes Tally Prime Full Notes Nipt
Fundamental of Accounting and Tally Prime Notes for Self Study and Computer Coaching classes. Step by Step training Notes with Practice assignment.
Definition of Accounting
Accounting is the process of identifying, recording, classifying and reporting information on financial transactions in a systematic manner for the purpose of providing financial information for decision making.
Types of Accounts
There are basically three types of Accounts maintained for transactions
Personal Account
Real Account
Nominal Account
Personal Account: Any individual person or any firms or any company or a bank is considered in a Personal account. For example:- Rajesh Singh, Muna Enterprise, Wipro Pvt Ltd, PNB Bank, Capital etc.
Real Account: Account of any physical things. The cash account or goods account are examples of Real account. For example:- Cash, Land, Building, Furniture, Computer etc.
Nominal Account: Account of any invisible things that means that things are in terms of cash are examples of Nominal account. For example:- Discount, Commission, Salary, Wages, Freight etc.
Golden Rules of Accounting
Personal Accounts
The Receiver
Debit (Dr)
The Giver
Credit (Cr)
Real Accounts
What comes in
Debit (Dr)
What goes out
Credit (Cr)
Nominal Accounts
All Expenses or Losses
Debit (Dr)
All Income or Gains
Credit (Cr)
Entries in Account Book
1. Suresh started a business with cash Rs 1,80,000
Cash a/c Dr
To Capital a/c
2. Cash deposited into PNB bank Rs 55000
PNB bank a/c Dr
To Cash a/c
3. Purchase goods for cash Rs 22000
Purchase a/c Dr
To Cash a/c
4. Bought goods fromSona Enterprise Rs 72000
Purchase a/c Dr
To Sona a/c
5. Sold goods for cash Rs 16200
Cash a/c Dr
To Sales a/c
6. Paid rent for the year by PNB bank chequeRs 6000
Rent a/c Dr
PNB bank a/c
7. Withdraw cash into PNB bank Rs 40000
Cash a/c Dr
To PNB bank a/c
8. Purchased furniture for cash Rs 5000
Furniture a/c Dr
To Cash a/c
9. Sold goods to SuperRs 12700
Super a/c Dr
To Sales a/c
10. Received cash from SuperRs 12446 and allowed him discount Rs 254
Cash a/c Dr
Discount allowed a/c
To Super a/c
11. Paid wages Rs 1800
Wages a/c Dr
To Cash a/c
12. Paid cash for trade Expenses Rs 2000
Trade Expenses a/c Dr
To Cash a/c
13. Withdraw cash for private Expenses Rs 8000
Drawings a/c Dr
To Cash a/c
14. Depreciation on Machinery Rs 50000
Depreciation a/c Dr
To Machinery a/c
Financial Year Start 1 April To 31 March
Thanks for study the Fundamental of Accounting and Tally Prime Notes
Introduction of Tally Prime Notes
Introduction of Tally Prime : Training Notes with Practical Assignment for Self study of Tally and computer Coaching Classes. Step by Step tally training study material.
Tally Prime is accounting software, used in business to record, summarize and maintain business transactions. Tally was developed in 1984 by Shyam Sunder Goenka in Bangalore.
Inventory : No Enable Goods and Service Tax (GST) : No TDS : No
Shut Company
F3 > Company > Shut Company
Alter Company
Go To > Select Company > Super Traders
F3 : Company > Alter Company Change your address or any other data Accept
Delete Company
Go To> F3 (Company) > Alter Company > Alt + D
Company Super Traders has been deleted
Again Create Company Super Traders
(Follow the steps mentioned in Create Company)
Thanks for study the Introduction of Tally Prime Notes
Groups and Ledgers in Tally Prime Notes
Groups and Ledgers in Tally Prime computer training class Notes. Pre defined Groups and Ledgers, Create New, Alter, Credit and Debit amount. Step by Step Notes for Tally training.
Groups in Tally Prime
Pre-Defined Group
Gateway of Tally > Chart of Account > List of Masters >Groups
There are 28 predefined groups in Tally
15 groups are Primary Groups and the remaining 13 groups are Sub-Groups
1. Branch / Divisions (P)
15. Direct Expense (P)
2. Capital Account (P)
16. Direct Incomes (P)
3. Reserves & Surplus
17. Fixed Assets (P)
4. Current Assets (P)
18. Indirect Expenses (P)
5. Bank Accounts
19. Indirect Incomes (P)
6. Cash-in-Hand
20. Investments (P)
7. Deposits (Asset)
21. Loans (Liability) (P)
8. Loans & Advances (Asset)
22. Bank OD A/c
9. Stock-in-Hand
23. Secured Loans
10. Sundry Debtors
24. Unsecured Loans
11. Current Liabilities (P)
25. Misc. Expenses (Asset) (P)
12. Duties & Taxes
26. Purchase Accounts(P)
13. Provisions
27. Sales Accounts (P)
14. Sundry Creditors
28. Suspense A/c (P)
Creating Group
Gateway of Tally > Masters > Create > Accounting Masters > Group
Group Name
Nature of Group
Fixed Assets
Office Equipment
Check on Gateway of Tally > Chart of Account> Groups
Creating Ledger
By default there is two ledgers
Profit and Loss A/c
Check the default ledgers Gateway of Tally>Charts of Accounts>Ledgers
Gateway of Tally > Masters > Create >Ledger
Ledger Name
Group Under
Punjab National Bank
Bank Account
State Bank of India
Bank Account
Petty Cash
Cash in Hand
Opening Stock
Stock in Hand
Suresh Singh
Sundry Debtors
National Pvt. Ltd.
Sundry Debtors
Building Cost
Building (Fixed Assets)
Building Accrued Dep
Building (Fixed Assets)
Office Equipment Cost
Office Equipment (Assets)
Office Equipment Dep
Office Equipment
Sales Tax
Duties & Taxes
Duties & Taxes
Shivam Kumar
Sundry Creditors
Sona Enterprise
Sundry Creditors
Education Loan
Secured Loan
Bill Receivable
Current Assets
Computer Sales
Sales Accounts
Software Sales
Sales Accounts
Parts Sales
Sales Accounts
Bank Interest
Indirect Incomes
Purchase Accounts
Direct Expenses
Direct Expenses
Indirect Expenses
Office Expenses
Indirect Expenses
Indirect Expenses
Bank Charges
Indirect Expenses
Building Deprecation
Office Equipment Accrued Dep
Ledger Alteration
Gateway of Tally > Masters > Alter >Ledger
Punjab National Bank
State Bank of India
Petty Cash
Opening Stock
Suresh Singh
National Pvt. Ltd.
Building Cost
Building Accrued Dep
Office Equipment Cost
Office Equipment Dep
Sales Tax
Shivam Kumar
Sona Enterprise
Education Loan
Bill Receivable
Computer Sales
Software Sales
Parts Sales
Bank Interest
Office Expenses
Bank Charges
Building Deprecation
Office Equipment Accrued Dep
Trial Balance
Gateway of Tally > Display more Reports> Trial Balance > Press F5 (Ledger wise and Group wise)
Voucher Entry in Tally Prime Notes
Voucher Entry in Tally Prime : Computer Training Notes with exercise / assignment for practice. Sample entry for Self study and computer coaching Classes.
All entries which you made in these given accounting vouchers are effect on your current accounting of your business.
F4: Contra : Cash deposited into bank and cash withdrawn from bank entries.
F5: Payment : Cash and cheque payment including cash and bank purchase entries.
F6: Receipt : Cash and cheque received including cash and bank sales entries.
F7: Journal : All non-cash transactions entries.
F8: Sales : Only credit sales entries.
F9: Purchases : Only credit purchase entries.
Alter + F7: Stock Journal : Stock transferred and production entries.
Gateway of Tally > Transactions > vouchers
Vouchers Mode Entries
Mode Change for Purchase and Sales voucher Ctrl +L : Accounting Invoice :As voucher
Started Business with cash Rs500000 (Receipt.F6)
Open bank account in PNB bank with cash Rs 25000 (Contra.F4)
Purchased goods for cash of Rs 50000 (Payment.F5)
Purchased Machinery for Cash Rs 100000 (Payment.F5)
Purchase goods on credit from Mr. Pawan Kumar Rs 60000 (Purchase. F9)
Paid discount Rs 2000 (Payment.F5)
Sold goods on credit to Mr. SameerAlamRs 72000 (Sales. F8)
Purchase goods on credit from Super Pvt. Ltd. Rs 16000 (Purchase. F9)
Received cash from Mr. SameerAlamRs 72000 (Receipt. F6)
Paid cash to Mr. Pawan KumarRs 60000 (Payment.F5)
Commission received Rs 5000 (Receipt. F6)
Electricity bill paid Rs 1000 (Payment.F5)
Purchased goods on credit from Sona Enterprise Rs 14000 (Purchase. F9)
Purchased computer for cash Rs 21000 (Payment.F5)
Deposited cash into PNB bank Rs 10000 (Contra.F4)
Sold goods for cash Rs 80000 (Receipt.F6)
Paid cash to Sona Enterprise Rs 14000 (Payment.F5)
Depreciation on 10% for Machinery Rs 5000 (Journal.F7)
Interest paid cash on loan Rs 1000 (Payment.F5)
Withdraw cash into PNB bank Rs 25000 (Contra.F4)
Received Service Charge Rs 18000 (Receipt.F6)
Paid cash to Super Pvt. Ltd. Rs 16000 (Payment.F5)
Voucher Entry in Tally: Step by Step
Create the required Ledger directly
Press Alt+C after reaching in the entry box below Particulars. Example : Create Capital Ledger under Capital Account Group PNB Bank Ledger under Bank Account and so on.
Show all Vouchers Entries : Gateway of Tally> Transaction > Day Book
Create Stock Item in Tally Prime Notes for Practice
How to create Stock Group, Unit, Godown and stock item in Tally Prime. Step by Step Notes with practice assignment for Computer Training Institute and Self Study of learners.
Create a New Company for Practice the creation of Stock Group, Godown, Unit and Stock Item F3 : (Company) > Create Company
Accounting :
Maintain Account :Yes
Enable bil wise entry : Yes
Maintain Inventory : Yes
Integrate Accounts with Inventory : Yes
Taxation :
Enable GST : No
Create Stock Group in Tally Prime
Gateway of Tally > Masters > Create > Inventory Masters > Stock Group
Stock Group
Mother Board
CD Rom
Eight Speed
CD Rom
Ten Speed
CD Rom
Create Godown / Location
Gateway of Tally > Masters > Create > Inventory Masters > Godown Main Location exists by default. Create following new Godown
Gateway of Tally > Masters > Create > Inventory Masters >Stock item F12 : Configure > Show More Configuration : Yes Inventory details : Provide Standard Buying and Selling Rates : (Yes)
During creation of following items use Units: Nos Set Standard Rates (Yes) : Provide Rate of respective item from below table. Opening Balance : Quantity of item Godown : Onside and Warehouse, as mentioned below (Do’t fill rate here)
Item Name
Standard Cost Rate
Selling Price Rate
P086 MX
P092 MX
P110 MX
MBP 133
MBP 150
MBP 166
Gold 8
Eight Speed
Silver 8
Eight Speed
Brown 8
Eight Speed
Gold 10
Ten Speed
Silver 10
Ten Speed
Data Base A
Speed Short A
Data Base K
Speed Short K
Data Base Q
Speed Short Q
Go To (Alt+G) : Stock Query : To check individual items Go To (Alt+G) : Stock Summary >F5 (stock Item wise)
Bill wise entry in Tally Prime
Bill wise entry and details in Tally Prime. Step by Step Training instruction notes for self study and Tally Computer Coaching Classes Institutes. Bill Book PDF for Practice Purchase and Sales entry are provided in this post.
Create New Company
F3 : (Company) > Create Company
Accounting :
Maintain Account :Yes
Enable bill wise entry : Yes
Maintain Inventory : Yes
Integrate Accounts with Inventory : Yes
Taxation :
Enable GST : No
Bill wise entry in Tally Prime
Create Ledger Sundry Creditors : For Purchase Party, Sundry Debtors : For Sales Party
Type of Ref: New Ref Name: 1 Amount: 10000 Cr Narration Being goods purchased on credit to Computer World Display > Statements of Accounts > Outstanding > Payables
Gateway of Tally > Vouchers > F5 Payment
Dr Computer World
Cr Cash
Type of Ref: Agst Ref Name: 1 Amount: 10000 Dr Narration Being Paid cash to Computer World Display > Statements of Accounts > Outstanding > Payables (Null)
F8 Sales
Dr Harish Rawat
Cr Sales
Type of Ref: New Ref Name: 1 Amount: 14000 Dr Narration Being good sold on credit to Harish Rawat Display > Statements of Accounts > Outstanding > Receivable
F6 Receipt
Cr Harish Rawat
Dr Cash
Type of Ref: Agst Ref Name : 1 Amount: 14000 Cr Narration Being received cash to Harish Rawat Display > Statements of Accounts > Outstanding > Receivable – NIL
Create Stock Group Gateway of Tally > Create> Inventory Masters > Stock Groups
Create Ledger Gateway of Tally > Accounts Info > Ledgers > Create
Raja Traders
Sundry Creditors
Maintain balances bill – by bill (Yes)
Purchase Accounts
Inventory values are affected (Yes)
Sona Enterprise
Sundry Debtors
Maintain balances bill – by bill (Yes)
Sales Accounts
Inventory values are affected (Yes)
2. Invoice Mode
F9 Purchase > Ctrl +H > Invoice Mode
Purchase No 1. 1-Apr-2021
Supplier invoice 001 Date: 1-Apr-2021 Thursday
Party A/c Name: Raja Traders
Purchase Ledger: Purchase
Name of Item
14 Pcs
72 Pcs
86 Pcs
Type of Ref: New Ref Name: 1Amount: 13980 Cr Narration Being goods purchased on credit to Raja Traders Display > Statements of Accounts > Outstanding > Payables
F5 Payment
Dr Raja Traders
Cr Cash
Type of Ref: Agst Ref Name: 1Amount: 13980 Dr Narration Being paid cash to Raja Traders Display > Statements of Accounts > Outstanding >Payables NIL
F8 Sales
Sales No 1. 1-Apr-2021 Supplier invoice 001 Date: 1-Apr-2021 Thursday
Party A/c Name: Sona Enterprise
Sales Ledger: Sales
Name of Item
5 Pcs
10 Pcs
15 Pcs
Type of Ref: New Ref Name: 1 Amount: 2600 Dr Narration Being goods sold on credit to Sona Enterprise Display > Statements of Accounts > Outstanding > Receivable – NIL
F6 Receipt
Cr Sona Enterprise
Dr Cash
Type of Ref: Agst Ref Name: 1Amount: 2600 Cr Narration : Being received cash to Sona Enterprise Display > Statements of Accounts > Outstanding > Receivable – NIL
Tally Bill Book PDF for Free Download
Purchase Invoice Bills Sundry Creditors Bill Book Sales Invoice Bills Sundry Debtors Bill Book Bills Receivable Bills Payable Stock Summary Stock Journal Transfer of Material
Batch wise Details in Tally Prime Notes
Batch Wise Inventory details in Tally Prime. Training Manual Notes for Tally Prime Computer course with example and sample practice Purchase invoice for a medical agency.
Batch wise maintain inventory or stock items in lots. Batches help in better management of stock items with limited shelf life or perishable goods. Maintain perishable goods or stock items with limited shelf life Use batches for rate-wise categorization of stock items: Identify stock item details from batches:
Batch wise Details in Tally Prime for a Medical Agency
This allow to track your medicine with a specific code. It also allows you to see and mention your medicine Manufacture date & Expiry date.
Create New Company F3 : (Company) > Create Company Show more features :Yes Accounting : Maintain Account :Yes Enable bil wise entry : Yes Inventory Maintain Inventory : Yes Integrate Accounts with Inventory : Yes Enable Batches : Yes Maintain Expiry date for batches : Yes Taxation : Enable GST : No
For any existing Company : Press F11 (Features) > set the option Enable Batches, etc to Yes.
Create Ledgers : Gateway of Tally > Create > Ledger
Ledger Name
Shree Medical Agency
Sundry Creditors
Maintain Balances bill – by – bill (Yes)
Purchase Accounts
Inventory values are affected (Yes)
Health Medical Store
Sundry Debtors
Maintain Balances bill – by – bill (Yes)
Sales Accounts
Inventory values are affected (Yes)
Create Stock Group : Gateway of Tally > create > Stock Groups
Sales 1Reference No: 001 Party A/c Name: Health Medical Store Sales Ledger: Sales Name of Item Quantity Rate Per Amount Crocin 100 Box 45 Box 4500 Item Allocations for: Crocin
Batch No
Rate Per
Mfg Dt.Batch 003 : Apr-2021
Expiry Date : 1-Nov-2024
20 Box
55 Box
Bill-wise Details for: Naqvi Medical Store Upto ₹ 1100 Dr Type of Ref New Ref Name 001 Amount 1100 Dr
Display More Report>Inventory Books > Batch> Crocin >List of Batches
Batch Wise details Entry in Tally Prime : PDF with Practice Bills
Cost Center in Tally Prime Notes
Cost Center in Tally Prime : Step by Step Training Notes with sample, sample and exercise. Best notes for self study and Tally Computer Training Institutes.
What is Cost Center in Tally Prime?
The cost center is an organizational unit to which costs or expenses can be allocated during recording of transactions in Tally Prime.
F3 Company > Create Company > Demo_Cost Center Show Moe Features : Yes Accounting Maintain Accounts : Yes Enable bill wise entry : Yes Enable Cost Centers : Yes
Create Ledger Gateway of Tally > Create > Ledger > press Enter. F12 : Configure > Enter Apply cost enters for ledgers : Yes
Ledger Name
Indirect Expenses
Cost centres are applicable(Yes)
Create Cost Centres Gateway of Tally > Create > Cost Centres > press Enter
Gateway of Tally > Display More Reports > Statements of Accounts > Cost Centres > Cost Centre Summary. Gateway of Tally > Display More Reports > Statements of Accounts > Cost Centres > Ledger Break Up
Exercise : Cost Center Entry in Tally Prime
Make a Salary ledger under Indirect Expenses (Cost centres are applicable :Yes) Create following Cost Center under Primary 1. Admin 2. Purchase 3. Store Create following Cost Center and Payment Voucher
Cost Center
Mohan Lal
Alam Khan
Yash Raj
Paid salary : 190000 as under
Cost Center
Mohan Lal
Alam Khan
Yash Raj
Check the Report in Tally
Gateway of Tally > Display More Reports > Statements of Accounts > Cost Centres > Cost Centre Summary and Leger Break Up
Download Notes PDF : Tally Prime from below link:
Export Import Ledger in Tally Prime
Export and Import Ledger Data in XML format from one company to another in Tally Prime. Training Notes, with easy to understand way for Tally learners.
We need to export and Import the data of ledgers of to maintain the same ledgers of a existing company in a new company. Further, copy the transactions up to a specific date from the existing company into the new company. We can export the masters and transactions from the existing company in XML format, and import them into the new company.
Export Masters in Tally Prime (XML Format)
Alt +E > Masters Export Type of Masters : Ledgers File Format : XML (Data Interchange) Export to : Local Drive Folder Path : C:\Program files\Tally Prime File Name : Master.xml
Press E : Send : Data has been exported at desired location. Check the destination folder contains Master.xml file. Note : Folder Path and File Name may be change by pressing F6
Import Masters Data in New Company
Create New Company (In which we wat to maintain same ledgers) Press Alt+O
Import Masters (Only Tally XML format is supported) File Path : C:\Program files\Tally Prime File to import : Master.xml Behavior of import if master already exists: Select as per your requirement Combine opening balance Ignore duplicate Modify with new data
Press Enter to import the data Check the ledgers and imported data in Gate way of Tally > charts of Accounts
Purchase and Sale Order Processing in Tally Prime
Purchase and Sale Order Processing in Tally Prime : Purchase Order Processing is the process of placing orders with suppliers for a purchase to be made from them and Sales Order Processing is the process of receiving orders from customers for the purpose of selling.
Therefore, Order are two type (1) Purchase Order and (2) Sales Order. We are going to discuss step by step process for place Purchase and Sales order in Tally Prime. The Notes are very useful for self study of Tally Prime and Computer Training Institutes.
Notes on Order Processing in Tally Prime
Create New Company : F3 : Company : Crate New :
Create Ledger Gateway of Tally > Create > Ledgers
Ledger Name
Indian Computers
Sundry Creditors
Maintain balance bill by bill (Yes)
Purchase Accounts
Inventory values are affected (Yes)
Ledger Name
Naaz Traders
Sundry Debtors
Maintain balance bill by bill (Yes)
Sales Accounts
Inventory values are affected (Yes)
Create Stock Group > Gateway of Tally > Crete > Stock Groups
Stock Group
Create Stock Item >Gateway of Tally > Inventory Info > Stock Items > Create
Item Name
Activate Purchase and Sales Order Vouchers
Gateway of Tally >Vouchers > F10 (Others vouchers) List of Vouchers: Show Inactive Vouchers
Purchase order: Ctrl + F9 (Press It) You need to activate Purchase Order Voucher Type: Activate Now: Yes
Sales order: Ctrl + F8 (Press It) You need to activate Sales Order Voucher Type: Activate Now: Yes
Purchase Order [Ctrl+F9] in Tally Prime
Purchase Order No.1
Party A/c Name : Indian Computers Order No : TUE121021
Purchase ledger : Purchase
Name of ItemQuantityRatePerAmount
Keyboard 25 Pcs 125 Pcs 3125
Mouse 25 Pcs 110 Pcs 2750
50 Pcs 5875
Display more Report > Statements of Inventory > Purchase Order Outstanding > All Orders
Purchase (F9) against Purchase Order
Gateway of Tally > Vouchers > Purchase F9
F12: Configure: Provide order details : Yes
Purchase No. 1
Supplier invoice no : 001
Party A/c Name : Indian Computers
Order No :TUE121021
Purchase ledger : Purchase
Name of ItemQuantityRatePerAmount
Keyboard 25 Pcs 125 Pcs 3125
Mouse 25 Pcs 110 Pcs 2750
50 Pcs 5875
Display > Statements of Inventory > Purchase Order Outstanding > All Orders (Null)
Sales Order : Ctrl+F8 in Tally Prime
Sales Order No.1
Party A/c Name : Naaz Traders Order No : Sale001
Purchase ledger : Purchase
Name of ItemQuantityRatePerAmount
Keyboard 10 Pcs 160 Pcs 1600 10 Pcs 1600
Display all reportsd> Statements of Inventory > Sales Order Outstanding > All Orders
Sales against Sales Order
Gateway of Tally >Vouchers > Sales F8
Sales No. 1 Reference no : 001 Party A/c Name : Naaz Traders Order No : Sale001 Sales ledger : Sales Name of ItemQuantityRatePerAmount Keyboard 10 Pcs 160 Pcs 1600 10 Pcs 1600
Display > Statements of Inventory > Sales Order Outstanding > All Orders (Null)
Download Notes PDF : Tally Prime from below link:
Price List Creation in Tally Prime Notes
In the price list lesson, the rates of the items are set on the basis of quantity. It is required, when we are selling the goods to retailers and consumers. Normally, Trading Firm offer, discounted price to retailers on the basis of quantity. We will learn Creation of Price List in Tally Prime. The Computer Training Institute Notes with example, sample and assignment is very easy to understand. Best quality Tally Training Notes for Self Study.
Price List Creation in Tally Prime
Purchase Entry
Purchase No. 1 Supplier invoice no : 001
Party A/c Name : Isha Enterprise
Purchase ledger : Purchase
Name of ItemQuantityRatePerAmount
Intex Mouse 150 Pcs 120 Pcs 18,000
Logitech Keyboard 180 Pcs 140 Pcs 25,200
330 Pcs 43,200
Taking Permission to Enable Multiple Price Level
F11 : Features > Inventory Features Enable Multiple Price Level : Yes Use discount Column in invoices : Yes
Gateway of Tally > Create > Price Level
Company Price Levels
Whole sale
Retail sales
Create Ledger : Gateway of Tally > Create > Ledgers
Ledger Name
Naaz Traders
Sundry Debtors
Maintain balance bill by bill (Yes)
Sales Accounts
Inventory values are affected (Yes)
Set Price List
Gateway of Tally >Create > Price List (Stock Group)
Price List Stock Group: All Items Price Level: Whole Sales Applicable From: 1-Apr-2021 Under Group All Items Price Level Whole Sales Applicable From: 1-Apr-2021
Disc. %(If any)
Less than
Intex Mouse
20 Pcs
20 Pcs
40 Pcs
40 Pcs
60 Pcs
60 Pcs
100 Pcs
100 Pcs
Logitech Keyboard
10 Pcs
10 Pcs
50 Pcs
50 Pcs
100 Pcs
100 Pcs
140 Pcs
140 Pcs
Set Rate of Exchange in Tally Prime
Set Dollar Rate : Create > Rate of Exchange
Specified Rate
Specified Rate
Specified Rate
Create Ledger : Gateway of Tally > Create > Ledger
Ledger Name
Suresh Rawat
Sundry Creditors
Purchase Accounts
Haider Enterprise
Sundry Debtors
Sales Account
Create Stock Group : Gateway of Tally > Create > Stock Group
Supplier invoice no.: 001 Party A/c name ledger: Suresh Rawat Purchase ledger: Purchase
Name of Item
10 Pcs
$2.00 Pcs
10 Pkt
$1.00 Pkt
$30.00 @ ₹ 73/$ = ₹ 2190.00
Repeat for above step for attendance type : Overtime
Payroll Boucher Creation in Tally Prime
Gateway of Tally > Voucher > F10: Other Vouchers > Payroll vouchers > Payroll Ctrl +F (Auto fill)
Payroll Autofill window Process for : Salary From : 01-05-2021 To: 31-05-2021 Employees Group : All Items Sort by : Employees Name Payroll Ledger : Cash Accept
Display the Salary Information
Gateway of Tally > Display more report >Payroll reports > Pay slip Pay Sheet Attendance Sheet Payroll Register Attendance Register Employee Profile Employee Head count
Tally Prime Full Notes NiptTally Prime Full Notes NiptTally Prime Full Notes NiptTally Prime Full Notes NiptTally Prime Full Notes NiptTally Prime Full Notes NiptTally Prime Full Notes NiptTally Prime Full Notes NiptTally Prime Full Notes NiptTally Prime Full Notes NiptTally Prime Full Notes NiptTally Prime Full Notes NiptTally Prime Full Notes NiptTally Prime Full Notes NiptTally Prime Full Notes NiptTally Prime Full Notes NiptTally Prime Full Notes NiptTally Prime Full Notes NiptTally Prime Full Notes NiptTally Prime Full Notes NiptTally Prime Full Notes NiptTally Prime Full Notes NiptTally Prime Full Notes NiptTally Prime Full Notes NiptTally Prime Full Notes NiptTally Prime Full Notes NiptTally Prime Full Notes NiptTally Prime Full Notes NiptTally Prime Full Notes NiptTally Prime Full Notes NiptTally Prime Full Notes NiptTally Prime Full Notes NiptTally Prime Full Notes NiptTally Prime Full Notes NiptTally Prime Full Notes NiptTally Prime Full Notes NiptTally Prime Full Notes NiptTally Prime Full Notes NiptTally Prime Full Notes NiptTally Prime Full Notes NiptTally Prime Full Notes NiptTally Prime Full Notes NiptTally Prime Full Notes NiptTally Prime Full Notes NiptTally Prime Full Notes NiptTally Prime Full Notes NiptTally Prime Full Notes NiptTally Prime Full Notes NiptTally Prime Full Notes NiptTally Prime Full Notes NiptTally Prime Full Notes NiptTally Prime Full Notes Nipt